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How Can You Lose Weight Without Dieting

Sticking on any diet plan for long can be difficult. We want to lose extra pounds and create a strict diet plan. There are many fad diets that can help in losing weight fast. But we can’t follow these plans for very long. We end up getting all weight back. So, now the question is how you can lose weight without dieting, is it possible? The answer is yes. Many experts say you can lose weight without going on diet. The only thing you have to do is some lifestyle changes. Adopting good habits in your daily routine may lead to reaching your target. The weight that you will lose will not bounce back.

One pound of weight is equal to 3500 calories. By cutting 500 calories from your diet and including some exercise. You can lose up to one pound in a week.

Try to adopt a few easy changes in your life to get easy and consistent weight loss.

Chew your food slowly

It is an important factor that affects your weight loss. Your brain needs time to process your food. When you eat in a hurry, your stomach won’t have time time to tell your brain. This way you lead to overeating and end up gaining weight. On another hand, if you eat slowly then your brain gives you a signal that you are full. And you will consume fewer calories. One method is that you can count your every bite, try to chew your every bite minimum of 20 times. Soon it will become your habit.

Never skip your breakfast

Everybody knows that breakfast I the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast will end up getting more calories throughout the day. Breakfast kick starts your metabolism and keeps your energy level optimum throughout the day. If you include healthy options in your breakfast, it will keep you full until your next mealtime. You will consume fewer calories hence will lead to losing weight.

Take proper sleep

Proper sleep could help you lose weight. If you are not taking sleep in the night, it is possible you end up on mindless snacking and need a cup of coffee.

Improper sleep can lead to poor metabolic rate, weight gain, and also other chronic conditions. If you have trouble sleeping you can try a few ways to improve your sleep.

  • Don’t eat just before your bed time
  • Keep your room dark
  • Try to hit the bed on same time everyday to set your body clock.
  • Reduce your stress level.

Include protein in every meal to lose weight weight without dieting

Adding a portion of protein to your every meal and snack will keep you full for a long time. So you will less likely to do overeating and hence consume fewer calories throughout the day. It has been found in various studies that adding protein to your breakfast will lead to weight loss, even if you are not doing any exercise.

Plan your pantry wisely

Another way by which you can lose weight without dieting is to plan your kitchen stock wisely. Fill your kitchen with lots of healthy options. If your pantry contains items that are not good for your health. You should plan your kitchen stock again. Try to store foods that are high in fiber and low in fat. If your kitchen is full of healthy options then there is very little chance that you will consume any empty calories that will lead to weight gain.

Keep moving

You have to Keep moving does not mean that have to go on a walk or run. Invest in a good pedometer or even install an application on your phone, which can count your step. Find the opportunity to move throughout the day. Like you can walk while you are talking over your phone or just a 10-minute walk after every meal inside your house. Involve your kids to be a little extra active throughout the day. Aim to reach 10,000 steps to lose some extra pounds. You can also do yoga for 30 minutes whenever you get time. Even by only doing breathing yoga can give you many benefits.

Use small plate

Check your food plate. If it is big then change it into a small plate. A bigger plate can make your serving look smaller and you will end up adding more food. On a small plate, even less food will make the position looks large and you will end up waiting for fewer calories. It is a nice way to save on your calorie consumption.

Eat fiber-rich food

Eating fiber-rich food will keep you feeling full for a long. Viscous fiber is a type of fiber that is helpful in weight loss. They form a thick gel when coming in contact with water. It suppresses your appetite and decreases your calorie intake.

Viscous fibers are exclusively found in plant-based food.

Keep hydrated

Water is 100 % calorie-free. It helps you burn calories. If taken before meals, it also suppresses your appetite. Drinking an adequate amount of water helps in removing waste from your body, and helps reduce water weight from your body. Keeping your water intake on track will help you in consuming fewer calories. Drinking water is also essential for burning off fat from food and drink.

Following tips to increase your water intake.

  • Set a daily goal for your water intake.
  • Drink a glass of water before every meal
  • Use water reminding apps to remind you when it is time to sip on
  • Add flavours in your water
  • Drink before you feel thristy

By doing a little change in your lifestyle you can stay healthy and lose weight. It is not possible to change your habit overnight. But you can try to adopt one change at a time and make it your habit. Once your body except one change goes for the other.

In this way, by taking small steps towards your good health you can lose weight without even going on dieting.

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