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Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Many of us have a habit to start our day with a cup of coffee or with ginger tea. But do you ever wonder how those tea affecting on your brain and body in long term? Some of us even drink more than 3 to 4 cups in a day. which only affects your health in an adverse way. There are various health benefits of green tea.

Today I will share the benefit of one drink that is very popular among all the health and fitness freaks. That is green tea. I know, switching your favorite coffee or tea with herbal tea is not possible in one day. But, if you can add just one cup of tea to your daily diet, It will provide you with lots of benefits.

Let’s discuss the benefit this wonder cup of beverage provides you.

What is green tea?

This tea is made from Camellia Sinensis leaves. It grows in China. Among all the four types of tea, this herbal tea contains the most flavonoids. Which are plant-based anti-oxidant chemicals. It undergoes the least oxidization when processed, and that is the reason why it is so beneficial.

Health Benefits of Green Tea.

1.It may help in weight loss.

If you sip a cup of this tea it will increase your metabolic rate, and this is the reason that it can help in reducing the number on the scale. There has been a study that shows, that it is also beneficial in losing abdominal fat.

2.It may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Some study shows, that green tea improves the risk factors of heart diseases.Like total choelstrol and bad cholestrol.
It is good for improving the antioxidant capacity of the blood. This protects LDL particles from oxidation. Which is one of the causes of heart disease.

3.It may help in maintaining oral health.

Taking care of your oral health is very important. We all know that some kind of illness and disease may be a result of taking bad care of your oral health. The catechins present in tea fight against oral bacteria.

4.It may prevent Type-2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is very rapidly increasing in recent times. It involves elevated blood sugar levels. Some studies shows that green tea improves insulin sensitivity and reduces blood sugar levels.

5.It may reduce the risk of certain type of cancers.

We all know that cancer is caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells. Antioxidants can help protect against oxidative damage. Herbal tea is a great source of antioxidants.

Many studies are there indicate that .people who drink green tea daily are less likely to develop certain kinds of cancers. More detailed research is still going on to confirm these effects.

Best time to have.

It is not advisable to drink green tea on empty stomach. It can cause nausea. Tannins present in green tea increase stomach acids and you can even have a stomach ache. You should also avoid drinking green tea with your meals, it can interfere with your calorie intake. The best time to have green tea is to have it between meals to get the maximum benefits of it.

How many cups in a day?

Excess of everything is very bad.No matter how beneficial the thing is, if you start taking in more than an advisable quantity, it will start affecting your health in a bad manner. Studies show that 1-3 cups of green tea in a day is good for your health.


Green tea is full of health benefits. You should consider adding it to your diet. Having green tea inadvisable quantity and at the right time will provide you with maximum health benefits.