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Are you getting enough sleep?

Getting good sleep is important for all ages. We often didn’t understand the importance of sound sleep. We cut off our sleep hours for work, for parties, and sometimes even for any good show or movies. Doing this once or twice is ok, but not getting enough sleep is part of your daily routine then you are at high risk of many life-threatening diseases. A person who is not taking enough sleep can be vulnerable to Type 2 Diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and many other diseases.

You must notice that if you are not taking enough sleep even for one night, the next day it will affect your day. It is possible that you will start feeling more sleepy, lazy and even you will not be in good mood. If just one night can affect you then just think about what it can do to your health if you do this as a habit.

what can happen to you if you don’t get enough sleep.

  • Your mood is not good.
  • Not getting enough sleep can undermine your productivity.
  • You may start forgetting things.
  • You may lose your focus and concentration.
  • Your health can suffer, along with various health conditions you can start gaining weight.

Few tips to get sound sleep.

1.Keep it dark.

Switch off all the lights and make your room dark. It is often seen that you can fall asleep quickly in dark rooms in comparison to the rooms where lights are on.

2.Cut back on caffeine.

Try to avoid any kind of coffee or tea at least 8 hours before your bedtime. Caffeine is a stimulant that promotes wakefulness, that’s why it is the most loved beverage in the early morning. If you can then try to have your last cup of coffee before 12 pm.

3.Set a regular routine.

Set a bedtime routine and try to stick to it. Your body clock will adjust accordingly. Every day at that time your body will start giving you an alarm that now it’s your bedtime.

4.Keep Your feet warm.

Warm feet induce good sleep. One of the best ways to keep your feet warm is by sleeping on pair of socks. There have been proven studies that keeping your feet warm can speed up the process of your sleep.

5.Have early dinner.

Have your dinner at least 2 hours before your bedtime. Try to keep your dinner light. It will help you in having a sound sleep. If you want to have some snacks before sleep, keep it light. Try to avoid munching right before bed.

6.Don’t convert your bedroom into your workstation.

Keep all of your works out of your bedroom. Don’t mix your bedroom and your workstation.