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Tips For New Moms.

As new parents, every day we learn something new. We always want to give everything best to our baby. Every day we encounter something that we were not aware of. In this journey experience from another mom always helps. So, here I am sharing a few useful tips for new moms based on my experience and suggestions that I got with my baby.

1.Sleep when your baby sleep.

I know it’s hard to sleep when your baby sleeps. New moms always feel tired and get emotional when they are not getting enough sleep. Baby sleep 14-16 hrs in a day, but they sleep in two hours batches, which is not possible for an adult to take asleep. If you have any help available at home don’t hesitate to ask and take as much possible sleep as you can. All the household chores can wait but not your health. So try to complete your sleep with your baby.

2.Listen to yourself.

When a new baby arrives in your home, every people around you will give you advice on how to raise your baby based on their experience. It’s you who knows your baby best. So listen to everyone’s advice and suggestion but do what you feel is right. Because if you start debating with people that their advice won’t work, you will only waste your time.

3.Make friends with like-minded people.

Having a baby is a whole new world. It may be possible that you are living away from your family. At this time a little bit of support from friends matters a lot. You can make some friends at the playgroup. You will make friends who will have babies, so you can share your experience and also can get some tips. You will feel relaxed by spending time with like-minded people.

4.Don’t worry about your figure.

I know it’s hard to see your favorite dress and not be able to wear it. But it’s not the time to worry about your shape or figure. You bring a whole new life to this world, enjoy your motherhood wholeheartedly. It takes whole nine months to bring a baby, so give the same time to yourself. With time your body will also be back as it was before.

5.Spend alone time with your baby.

A very important tip for new moms. Try to spend alone time with your baby. When a new baby arrives in the family, every relatives and friend come to visit. But you need to spend alone time with your baby. Cuddle him/her and just spend time. It will not only makes you happy but also grow confidence in you with your baby.

6.Lock the memories.

Time flies so fast. Try to lock all the possible milestones of your baby. Kids become grownups really very fast. It is your treasure that you can enjoy at every moment of your life. Shoot as many photos and videos as you can. Your kid will also enjoy seeing those when he grows up.

7.Let your partner help.

Involve your partner in this beautiful journey. I know it may be possible that he doesn’t know how to do a particular task. But you can guide him. This can give you some relaxed moments and also your partner will feel good that he is also contributing equally to this beautiful journey of growing your baby together.

In the end, I want to say that all the moms are doing a great job. There should never be a comparison between two moms. All the moms give their best in the upbringing of their babies. Try not to lose your cool when your baby cries. Stay calm and try to understand the signal your baby is giving to you. It is difficult for new moms to follow any tips as she is equipped with a lot of things around them. But you should try to take care of yourself as if you are fine then only you can take care of your baby.