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How To Stop Hair Fall, Easy home remedies:

“Hair Loss”, A topic that is very common in today’s lifestyle. This is a problem that affects all of us. A loss of 80-100 strands a day is very normal. The problem arises when we started seeing our hair strands everywhere, be it the pillow cover or the drain. We started feeling so stressed that it gives us sleepless nights. Hair fall is not an issue, the bigger issue is that when after falling they stopped growing back. So In this article, we will discuss a few home remedies to stop hair fall.

What is the possible reason behind this? Well, there are various issues that cause hair to fall. From your nutrition level to your hereditary everything counts. Once we will get to know the root cause of our problem, it becomes easy to treat them.

Some Common Reasons Behind Hair fall:

  • Stress: Do you know stress is a very known reason for hair fall.Whatever stress is there in your life. It will show a direct effect on your hair. The worst part is falling hair will make your stress level even worst.
  • Genetic: This is for sure the worst reason of your hair fall, where you know the reason but can’t actually help it . If your mother or father has a problem with excessive hair loss, there is a good chance that you will get this problem too.
  • Drugs: There are certain drugs whose side effects can cause you to lose your hair. But no need to get so worried, it is possible that once you stop taking that medicine, your hair fall will back to normal.
  • Nutrition: Our diet has a direct relation with our hair health.If we have a deficiency of one or other vitamins or minerals it can cause hair fall. If you have excessive hair fall, its is advisable that you can get tested for vitamins and minerals.
  • Tight Hairstyles: Yes, you heard me right, tight pony or bun can cause extreme hair loss. So, try to choose a hairstyle that is not so tight it can save your hair.

Easy Home Remedies:

Are you tired of changing shampoos and applying new things to your hair, but not getting the desired results. I am sharing a few remedies that are always available in your kitchen. You can apply these at the ease of your home and can see the difference.

1.Coconut oil and Curry Leaves to stop hair fall

Hair fall curry leafs

Take coconut oil according to your hair length and boil it, you can either boil it on a gas stove or in the microwave. Once it is warm enough put 10-15 curry leaves in it. You can see that curry leaves start changing colors. Let it cool till you can put your fingers, then massage your hair with this oil. Keep it overnight and wash it in the morning with a mild shampoo. Repeat this procedure weekly twice.

2.Fenugreek Seeds Pack a great home remedie to stop hair fall

Take 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in a glass or iron bowl. You can increase or decrease the quantity according to your hair length. Soak it in enough water overnight. In the morning strain the water, don’t throw the water, we will use it in grinding the seeds. Make a smooth paste using the same water and apply it to your scalp. Leave it for 45 minutes then wash with cool running water followed by a mild shampoo. Repeat this process once a week. You will start noticing the change in one month. It is the most common and effective home remedy to stop hair fall.

3.Aloe vera to stop hair fall

Aloe vera juice is a real blessing for your hair. If you have an aloe vera plant in your garden then it is best. But if you don’t have one you can choose one from the market which is at least 95 percent aloe vera gel mentioned over that. Cut fresh aloe vera and extract its gel from it. Apply this gel directly to your scalp. Leave it for 30 minutes to 1 hour at your convenience. After that wash with plain water.No no need to do shampoo if your hair is clean. Repeat this process weekly twice to see better results.

4.Green Tea an awesome home remedy to stop hair fall

Yes, you heard me right. We all know the benefits of green tea for our bodies, but we are unaware of its magical effect on hair. And applying it to hair is as easy as drinking it. Just take 3,4 green tea bags and put them in enough hot water. Leave it for 2 to 3 minutes. Once the water temperature comes down, rinse your hair with this water. Give a nice fingertip massage and then wash with running water. Green tea is rich in catechins, which help in reducing dihydrotestosterone (DTH) responsible for hair loss. Repeat this process weekly once for better results.

5.Use egg mask to stop hair fall at home

The nutrients present in eggs help in the reduction of hair fall, by stimulating the scalp and providing strength to the roots. We can apply only eggs on hair and it will give us good results. But for taking more benefits from it we can add one tablespoon of olive oil and one teaspoon of honey. It will provide good volume and your hair will become more manageable and smooth. Apply this mask weekly once and you will notice the change in your hair. If you have dry hair then you can separate the egg whites and can only apply a yolk mask.

Some Tips To Reduce Hair Fall.

  • Never wash your hair in hot water, always use cold or Luke warm water. Hot water makes your hair dry and frizzy and causes hair loss.
  • Try to avoid using too many chemicals on your hair. Always choose once which is natural and mild.
  • Take proper care of your diet. Include colors in your diet. Foods that are protein-rich is good for your health and also for your hair.
  • Avoid doing comb in wet hair.
  • Minimize the use of hairdryer and styler, it will cause harm to your hair.
  • Be gentle with your hair, use a wide-tooth comb and do not tie very tight.