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Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Turmeric is a well-known spice and herb present in our kitchen. The health benefits of turmeric are not hidden. Turmeric used as a wonder ingredient for ages. Turmeric gives a nice texture and color to our food. From ancient times turmeric has always been used as a medicine and spice.

Turmeric contains a yellow-colored chemical called “Curcumin”.It is the main active ingredient of Turmeric. It has anti-inflammatory properties and very strong antioxidants.

Benefits of Turmeric

1.Turmeric enhances your body anti-oxidant properties.

The mechanism behind aging and various diseases is related to oxidative damage. That involves free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that tend to react with fatty acids, proteins & DNA.

Anti-oxidants are beneficial in protecting your body from free radicals.

The “Curcumin” present in turmeric is a strong antioxidant that can neutralize free radicals.

2.Anti-Inflammatory properties.

One of the main health benefits of turmeric is its properties of turmeric is its anti-inflammation fighting power. The main credit goes to the chemical curcumin present in turmeric.

According to past studies, if you give curcumin in the right amount. It can be more effective than common inflammation-fighting medication.

3.Turmeric provides relief from Arthritic pain.

Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties have been helpful in the treatment of arthritis. As discussed above anti-oxidants destroy free radicals present in the body.If anyone suffering from mild joint pain. It is always advisable to add this spice to their daily diet.

Note-You can take it with your regular medicine, it won’t replace your medicine. Keep taking your medicine if you are taking any.

4.Turmeic Aids in digestion.

Taking raw turmeric while suffering from indigestion can help in getting relief. The main component present in this spice helps in stimulating the gallbladder to produce bile. It instantly makes the digestive system work more efficiently.

5.Boost Immunity.

A substance called “Lipopolysaccharide” is found in turmeric.It has anti-bacterial,anti-fungal,and anti-viral agents.It helps in stimulating the human immune system.

We all know the benefit of turmeric in warm milk. Add a pinch of this spice to your milk and it will reduce your chances of catching the flu.