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Teaching Kindness To Kids

As a parent we always want our kids to be kind and polite. We always hope that whenever they get a chance to help any needy. They will do so. We should start teaching kindness to kids from a very early age. If we want them to learn it overnight it will not be possible. And believe me, your child can start responding to your action from a very early age.

Why To Teach Kindness To Kids

In today’s world scenario, it is very common to judge anybody. We will also agree that we do it sometime. Passing any judgment on anybody’s appearance is also not uncommon among children. These words or bullies are not only limited to the physical world but also the virtual world. You must have noticed that any photos or posts can garner comments and reactions instantly. These can be rude, hurtful, and insulting. By seeing all these it is even more important to teach kindness to your kids.

How To Teach Kindness To Kids

To teach any behavior to kids, it is important that first, we should adopt that behavior. Just like any other behavior through continuous reputation children can learn how to behave well. From a very early age, they start copying the things around them. So as an adult we can use this opportunity and make them learn by setting an example for them.

Let’s discuss a few interesting ways to introduce how they can feel affectionate and behave gently in any situation that demands the same.

1.Beleive In Your Child

First thing first you should start believing in your kid. If you always think that he/she is of no good. He can’t be at his good behavior.He/she will never do anything good as he is never being encouraged to do anything that leads to humanity. But on the other hand, if you start showing faith in your kid. You assume that he always wants to help and is genuinely concerned about needy people.He/she will soon start living up to your expectations.

2.Stories Based On Kindness

Another way to introduce to be kind is to read stories for them. You can teach kindness to kids by reading stories based on it. There are many good books available to choose from. If your kids in very small you can read aloud for them. And if your kid can read by themselves you can add these books into their collection. Out of many books, you can also read one of my favorites “Grandma’s Bag of Stories -By Sudha Murthy Or Great Stories For Children-By Ruskin Bond.

3.Recognize Kindness

Always make sure to show your child that you notice when someone does something nice for anybody. A person gets appreciation for their good behavior always. In the same way, also praises your child if he does something nice for helping others or treats any person nicely. It will increase their tendency to go forward and help the needy.

4.Teaching kindness by setting an example

Children at an early age are a reflection of yours. Always try that your child catches you in an act of kindness. I know many parents who have started modeling their kids from a very early age. They talk with their kids either at feeding time or at bedtime and start making a foundation for their better tomorrow. Not only others but it is also very important that how we treat each other at home, especially our kids. You must have to create a healthy environment inside your house. Be kind to everyone. After all, home is the kid’s first school, where you can teach kindness to kids by setting a strong foundation of good behavior.

5.Point out the effect of their behaviour

When you notice that your kid’s behaviour is affecting anybody, always point it out. Make your child understand how his behaviour is affecting others, without shaming your child. They will never understand what they did wrong if we don’t put it across. Always explain the reason behind you being upset with their bad behavior. It is important to teach kindness to kids, but on the other hand, you have to be patient with your kid. You need to notice their behavior and make them correct one by one. Only pointing out their mistake is not sufficient you also teach them how to react in a particular situation. So that they can understand why their action was wrong.

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