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Hair Growth-10 healthy foods to make your hair strong

We all want our hair to be healthy and shiny. But everybody can’t be able to manage such hair. Different reasons may make your hair rough and cause hair fall. Due to this, our hair growth stops. We need to identify the reason that causes hair fall. A few possible reasons may be bad weather conditions. environmental pollution, impaired water quality, and the use of harsh chemicals on our scalp. We do everything to make our follicles healthy, from cutting on harmful chemicals to going for a regular trim. It is essential, but what is also more important is to take care of your diet.

Strand grows approx .5 inches in a month and 6 inches in a year. But it also depends on your genes and age. Although we can’t do anything for genes and age. But, what we can do is check our diet. If we don’t take proper nutrients, it will lead to hair loss. It is also seen in many cases that only after taking a balanced diet do people have experienced transition. If the loss is because of nutrient deficiency. So to take proper care of your hair, you have to take care of your diet too.

Here, I am sharing 10 foods that can promote your hair growth and makes your hair healthy and shiny.


Spinach for hair growth
Spinach for hair growth

Spinach is a healthy leafy vegetable.It contains lots of nutrients like iron,folate ,Vit A,C,K,B2,B6,E.It is also rich in magnesium, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. Due to its high antioxidant content, it boosts scalp health and protects your hair from damage. The iron present in spinach increases the oxygen supply to hair follicles.

You can have spinach in any way you like. You can also try spinach smoothie; all you will need is,

  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 cup chopped papaya chunks
  • 1 cup of milk

Mix all the ingredients in a blender and blend till you get a smooth texture. You can have this smoothie daily with your breakfast.


egg to stop hair fall

Our hair is made up of protein. So, it is essential to include enough protein in your diet. One more nutrient that is important for healthy strands is biotin. The egg is a good source of both protein and biotin. If you are not taking enough protein in your diet, it may lead to damage. We often see that biotin capsules promote a healthy scalp and make your strands beautiful in markets. The reason is that biotin produces the protein called keratin. So, if you include eggs in your diet, you can see a nice change in your hair health.


Fatty fish like salmon is perfect for your hair. It is an excellent source of protein, Omega 3 fatty acids, selenium, vitamin B, and vitamin D3. These all nutrients help in maintaining nice hair and promote a healthy scalp.


Avocadoes contain Vitamin E. It is an excellent antioxidant that improves hair texture and strengthens it from the root, leading to less breakage. Vitamin E also protects your scalp skin. It also contains biotin. You must have noticed that we use avocadoes in many DIY hair masks. It is always lovely to add avocadoes to your diet. It includes a few essential fatty acids our body can’t produce, which are necessary for hair health.


Our hair is made up of protein. So it is evident if you include protein in your diet, it will give you good results and makes your hair strong. Naturally occurring proteins are always good for hair. Needless to say, that chicken is an excellent source of protein. If you are vegetarian and can’t eat chicken, you can also try paneer or tofu, they are also rich in protein.


Nuts are very healthy and tasty. It also contains many nutrients that are good for hair health. They are a good source of vitamin e, zinc magnesium. If we talk about almonds, it is an excellent source of vitamins E.Just 28 gm of almonds fulfill more than 35 % of your daily vitamin E needs. Also, walnut is very good to have if you have any hair problems. Walnut is the only nut that contains biotin, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, vitamin B1, protein, and magnesium. These all nutrients are good for nourishing your scalp and strengthening your hair.

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is a good source of protein. It contains vitamin B5, also called “pantothenic acid”.It regulates the blood flow to your scalp and promotes hair growth. You must have seen “pantothenic acid” on many of your haircare products. You can include Greek yogurt in your diet in various ways. Either in smoothies for breakfast or can use as a healthy dip option. Find your way and start using this yummy yogurt for better hair health.

Citrus Fruit

It is not any hidden fact how beneficial is citrus fruits for our health and skin. But do you know it is also essential for our hair growth? It contains Vitamin C, which is required to absorb iron. Iron is a crucial factor in maintaining hair health. Vitamin C is also necessary for the production of collagen. Collagen is the key when it comes to healthy and long hair. Citrus fruits are rich in antioxidants that are required to fight free radicals. So it is always good to add citrus fruits to your daily fruit diet.

Flax seeds

flax seed for hair

Flax seeds are a good source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It can help nourish your scalp and prevent it from dryness. A dry scalp can lead to hair problems like itchiness, breakage, and dandruff. So by including flax seeds in your diet, you can prevent your scalp and improve your hair health.

Chia Seeds

chia seeds for hair

Chia seed is a potent seed. This excellent seed is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, protein, and anti-oxidants. It can help in promoting your hair health. You can consume it by adding it to your cereal smoothie or have it alone. It is also suitable for improving your heart health.

Food items you should avoid to protect your hair.

Food is the most useful source of all our body’s nutrients. If you can’t have a balanced diet or the proper nutrients your body needs, for some reason. You can also choose supplements. They work well on people who have nutrient deficiencies. Before starting any supplements, consult your doctor to check for the lack and accordingly start. Taking proper care of your vitamin and mineral intake will help you not only in hair health but overall fitness of your body

  • Sugar -Too much sugar is not suitable for your hair. Protein is essential for your hair health; sugar hinders protein absorption in your hair. So it is advisable not to consume too much sugar.
  • Alcohol-If you drink alcohol, it will dehydrate, which is not suitable for your hair as it makes it brittle. Alcohol reduces the level of zinc in your body. Zinc is an essential nutrient for hair health.
  • Diet Soda-Diet soda is very popular for weight loss. But is not suitable for your hair health. It contains aspartame, which is an artificial sugar. It makes your hair thin and also causes hair fall.
  • Avoid Junk food -As these are too oily, excess oils in junk food often clog your pores and make your scalp unhealthy.

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