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Easy ways to Feed Picky Eaters

Do you have a picky eater at your home? If yes then this article is totally for you. It is very difficult to feed picky eaters. Mealtime is full of struggle if your kids say no to everything you offer them. I am sharing a few tips and tricks with which you can ease your problem to a great extent. what is more, painful for a mom to see her munchkin is not getting all nutrition that he/she should take at growing years. You can also share these tips with anyone who is taking care of your baby either your parents or any babysitter you have hired.

1. Avoid Force Eating

Being a parent we always get worried that is my child getting enough nutrition or not. One study suggests that you should respect your kid’s appetite. We should not force him to finish his food. We started assuming like my baby is now 3 years old so he or she should eat this quantity or finish the full glass of smoothies. Due to this, we started forcing our kids to finish. This always backfires and kids even stop eating what they want. So we should never force our kids for a meal.

2.Introduce Varieties

Anyone can easily get bored if they have been given the same food every day and the same thing goes with our fussy eaters. They love to explore new things. If you are giving the same food every day because you think that your kids like that particular food and will finish his /her meal. Then maybe it’s true to one extent but after a few times, they will start refusing it. So my suggestion is to serve different foods to your babies. By doing this you can even identify your kid’s taste buds and make a chart out of it what exactly your kids prefer and what not.

3. Limit liquid Intake

Sometimes we didn’t notice in what quantity we offer liquids to our babies. They cry for milk or juices and we offer them. It gives us the satisfaction that he or she is having milk properly, but as you know providing anything in excess is not good. If we give them milk or juice every time they want, then their tummy will be filled with these and there will be no place for solid foods and they started throwing tantrums to not having foods.

4. Make your picky eaters Feeding time a Fun time

Make feeding time is full of fun like you can tell them a story about the food they are eating interestingly. Don’t restrict your babies from playing with their foods even you can also join them in tossing the food. Allow them to choose their food and play with them. In this way, they will wait for their mealtime and it won’t be hard on them. One study proves that the kids who are not restricted from picking and tossing and choosing their food make a healthy choice when they grow up.

5.No distraction during mealtime

One common mistake that every parent is doing nowadays is they offer mobile or TV to their kids. while they are eating. If they eat with distraction they won’t be able to listen to their bodies and in this way. They are not even able to identify if they are full or not and this habit sometimes goes on when they become older too.

6.Set a schedule to feed picky eaters

Try to set a schedule for your child’s mealtime. initially, it will be difficult for your kids to follow but gradually he will understand. when to eat breakfast and when to eat snacks. It will be easy for you too if you have a pattern to follow. if your child asks for anything to eat in between the set schedule, you can always offer some healthy options like finger foods, yogurt, some homemade chips, or any other option that your kids like.

7.No extended hours for eating

Restrict your child’s mealtime to 30 minutes. Allow your kid to finish food during this duration only after that remove the plate. Then offer again only at the time of the next schedule. The reason behind this is that the food should not be on the plate for more than 30 minutes. it will not create a happy and healthy eating environment.

Don’t worry if your kid is not eating anything or drinking only milk. You have to be patient and keep trying, gradually he will start accepting foods.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Aditi sharma

    Very helpful for new moms…
    This blog is interesting as well as knowledgeable 👌👌👌

  2. Shipra

    This is very helpful to stop phone addiction at mealtime and convert into a fun time.

    1. Ekta Singh

      Thanks alot 🙂

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