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Combination Skin Care At Home

The skin may be a “combination” because it can have many different needs. For example, a person could only require an anti-acne solid product on their oily face while needing just a gentle moisturizer for their dry cheeks. Or they may need to use both types regularly as some people find that certain products make them break out more quickly than others. Combination skin is a skin type that has both dry and oily parts. Many factors contribute to the formation of combination skin, but the most common ones are genetic preconception(1), age, lifestyle, hormones, and climate. Combination skin requires extra care as it has different needs in specific face areas. This article will tell you all the necessary steps you will need to take care of combination skin at home.

How to identify that you have combination skin

If dryness and oiliness are what you experience, your skin might be in a state of combination skin. A great way to find this out is by looking at the phrase “combination skin” on your bathroom mirror. You should expect that the face creams or lotions you use will have active treatment for each of these issues in specific areas. If your skin is combination skin, you will notice that your chick and eye areas are dry while your T zone is oily.

What Kind of product you should choose to give proper care to your combination skin at home

Combination skin is a skin type that combines two or more skin types. It can be classified into two types, oily-combination skin and dry combination skin. You can identify the oily combination skin with excess sebum production and oil secretion from the sebaceous glands. On the other hand, the identification of dry skin is by excessive shedding of dead cells from the epidermis and increased oil production from the sebaceous glands. So now we know that it has both dry and oily parts. These individuals have dry patches on their faces and oily patches on their cheeks. The combination of skin care products is specially designed to cater to the dryness and oiliness of the skin. You can treat Combination skin with a mixture of oils and creams. So you can use both types of products together to treat your skin.

Combination skin requires extra care as it is a unique skin type with oily and dry patches.

Oily patches:
To get rid of oily patches, you need to cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser like Cetaphil or Neutrogena. Before using an oil-free moisturizer that will balance out the sebum production in your skin.
Dry patches:
For dry patches, use lotion or serum that is non-comedogenic and contains ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and ceramides.

External factors that affect your skin

ExternaDietctors as sun exposure, diet, genetic predisposition, skincare, and makeup are harmful to your skin. These factors have a more significant effect on the skin in some populations than others. Your Diet also plays a vital role in maintaining healthy skin. In addition, the environment and the type of skincare products used can also have a significant effect on skin health. We all know how harmful is sun exposure for our skin.

Repeated sun exposure can cause sunburn, the effect of sun exposure that causes redness and pain in the skin. In addition, excess exposure to the sun can lead to sunburns, which is often associated with the development of wrinkles.
Always protect your skin against sun exposure. Make sure you use clothing that covers up exposed areas. Another way to protect yourself from overexposure is sunscreen lotion or cream and UV-protective sunglasses.

Skincare routine for combination skin

Steps you should include in your combination skincare rouitne.

  • Cleansing
  • Tonning
  • Exfoliating
  • Serum
  • Moisturizing
  • Sun protection
  • Eye cream/moisturizer for under eyes and around eyes


Avoid ingredients such as sulfates and silicone while choosing a cleanser. These ingredients will only remove your skin’s natural oils, making it more prone to breaking out. Also, stick to gel cleansers instead of creamy ones since they leave the skin feeling a bit greasy after application.
Picking a cleanser can be challenging for combinations of skins since most are oily, and breakouts often occur due to the redness brought about by dryness on other parts of the face. For combination skins with predominantly oily areas, you may need to look for a cleanser with lower protein levels and fewer surfactants (the ingredients that emulsify oil and water together).

The right facial cleanser will gently exfoliate the skin and remove any impurities without stripping the essential oils your skin needs for healthy oil production.
However, it is essential to note that the wrong cleanser can cause more problems than it solves. Over-cleansing can lead to dryness, irritation, and premature skin aging. So using too many products or harsh ingredients can be a problem for many people. Over-cleansing can lead to dryness, anger, and early skin aging. So using too many products or harsh elements can be a problem for many people.


The toner is a product that removes any excess oil from the skin and balances its ph balance. It works as a perfect cleanser for oily skin types, but it can help balance dry skin too. The toner helps to keep your face clean and fresh by removing dirt particles, dead cells, pollutants, etc. It replaces all the natural oils in your face lost with washing your hands or exposure to other external causes. Depending on the toner you are using, it can give different sensations – drying for some toners and soothing others.
After cleansing, your skin needs an alcohol-free toner. The toner for combination skin should contain antioxidants and skin-replenishing ingredients. It will keep your skin non-greasy and nourished. However, it would help if you were careful that your toner should not be drying.
Put a little toner on a cotton pad and dab all over your cleansed face and neck. Follow up with a lovely serum and moisturizer.


Exfoliating your skin helps clear out dead skin cells, unclog pores, and reduce the appearance of fine lines. In addition, it will remove excess oil from your skin and pay a great deal of attention.
There are different kinds of scrubs made for different types of skin, which you can use to exfoliate. Ideally, the type that works for your combination skin should be gentle enough not to irritate sensitive areas such as those on your face and neck or breakouts around your nose.
Apply scrub after cleansing once a week. Note that some leave your face feeling tight and even after use which can be irritating. In addition, it makes pores more open to spots/acne-causing bacteria, so follow up with a moisturizer to prevent further irritation. You should choose one that is gentle yet deep exfoliating. If the scrub feels abrasive that it isn’t calming on the skin, don’t put more pressure on your fingers and avoid rubbing for a few minutes until thoroughly absorbed into pores. It should feel smooth after a minute or two, so mix in enough moisturizer afterward to prevent drying out of areas throughout the day.

Serum for combination skin care

The serum is a skincare product that simultaneously works as a moisturizer and a serum. That helps control the moisture balance of the skin. It is lightweight, oil-free, water-based containing natural ingredients such as vitamins, antioxidants, and extracts. Serums also prevent premature aging, sun damages, and freckles. A serum that includes Vitamin C, hyaluronic acids(HA) is best for combination skin. These ingredients help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, provide deep hydration to the skin, and improve elasticity. In addition, using serum after toner could help manage oily or acne-prone areas of your skin.
When it comes to hydrating, serums are more lightweight as they are only intended for specific areas of the face that need heavy-duty care. It’s best to find a serum product marketed with soothing properties like aloevera or rosewater before using any sedation lines on your skin; however, there is usually enough room for multi-use products. Always opt for one according to your skin type to get maximum benefit.

Moisturizing for combination skin

It would be best not to skip moisturizers from your daily skincare routine. You need to ensure you have enough moisture in your skin if you have combination skin. Moisturization for combination skincare is the most effective way to manage your skin type. It helps reduce the appearance of pores, wrinkles, and blemishes and leaves your skin looking smooth and radiant. Many skincare products can help you with your combination of skincare needs. These products are designed to target specific issues and provide specific results. You can also try different ingredients to get the best results. Use light and non-greasy moisturizer to take proper care of combination skin. It should be hydrating. A gel consistency moisturizer works best on combination skin.

Sun protection

SPF, a key ingredient in your daily skincare routine, is a must-have. It provides sun protection and keeps you safe from damaging UV rays. You don’t have to choose between great skin and staying out of the sun with SPF products for lightweight sunscreen formulas like mineral makeup that is lightweight yet protected with UVA/UVB filters to cover all your bases. When you choose sunscreen, apart from SPF, check for UVA protection. You can identify by the “PA+” symbol. Two-plus gives you moderate protection, and four-plus will provide you with high UVA protection.
Ensure that whatever lotion or moisturizer you use contains SPF to give your combination skin proper care.

Eye cream/moisturizer for under eyes and around eyes

Eye cream for combination skin is an essential thing to have in your skincare routine. It works to reduce the signs of aging and helps moisturize the skin. Eye cream for combination skin also reduces dark circles and puffiness around the eyes. It also helps replenish, protect, and hydrate your skin and reduce fine lines.

Things You Should Consider While Taking Care Of Combination Skin

Stay Hydrated

A combination skincare regime is the best way to keep yourself hydrated. Skin dryness is a common problem that can affect your skin and look dull and old. To keep yourself hydrated and provide your skin with proper hydration, you need to drink enough water. Your skin starts losing natural moisture if you are dehydrated, leading to a dull complexion.

Eat Balanced Diet

It would help if you ate a balanced and nutrient-dense diet to treat combination skin. Eating a balanced diet is essential for good health. For example, a diet with many fruits and vegetables can help improve your skin condition. Moreover, it can reduce the symptoms of acne and eczema. It is important to choose food items low in sugar and salt when you have combination skin.

Avoid touching your face

Most people don’t realize it, but people continuously touch their faces. The continuous use of hands can cause the skin to become inflamed and irritated. In addition, the constant rubbing of hands and face can lead to microorganisms that can cause infections. These microorganisms are pathogenic bacteria and can cause irritation, inflammation, redness, acne, pimples, rashes, and other types of skin conditions. It can also cause damage to the natural oils of your skin.

Follow both A.M & P.M skin care routine for combination skin

You should follow the skincare routine not only in day time but also at night. Always cleanse your face before hitting the bed and follow the above steps. Along with removing dirt and impurities from your skin, It will also make your skin soft and reduce the signs of aging.

What you should avoid when you have combination skin

Oily skin and dry skin are often a cause of frustration for people with combination or sensitive skin. While both types exist, the body’s oil and water balance can produce different effects on the face.
So what should you do if your combo skin is causing concern?
First, if possible, you should avoid products that contain alcohol and fragrances, as they can lead to dryness in oily areas while also leaving behind an excessive amount of oils, making acne-prone regions more vulnerable to breakouts. Next, use two moisturizers that are specifically formulated for drier parts of your face and one that is designed for oily parts – applied after washing!

Schedule an appointement with your dermatologist

Schedule an appointment with your dermatologist if you experience a breakout or the previously clear skin becomes blotchy or irritated. When an acne rash isn’t getting better after you’ve tried several different methods, including medications and natural treatment alternatives, it’s time for a professional assessment.

You can easily maintain a healthy combination of skin at your home, and You have to follow a consistent skincare routine. And the selection of the right product is equally important.