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All About Finger Foods For Babies

A Baby’s transition from liquid to solid food is a significant milestone for parents. When we start giving solids to our baby, we mostly follow a pattern. First, we introduced food in a puree form, then slowly started giving mashed food, and then introduced finger foods[1]. This is because babies’ fine motor skills improve, and grips become firm by that time. In this article, I will try to answer all the queries that often come to mind when we consider introducing finger foods to babies.

No one can suggest the right time to introduce solids to your baby, it depends on you and your baby’s growth. But few things you should take care of when introducing these foods to your baby.

Signs that your baby is ready for finger food

Never start any kind of solid food before 6 months.

Your baby can sit independently.

He can hold his head up. The baby is not pushing his food out with his tongue.

Check if your baby can pick up and put the food into his mouth. That is a good hand and eye coordination.

He has developed a finger grasp and can hold his food with his thumb and finger.

You should check the food before giving it to your baby.

Is the food cooked enough to get mashed quickly?

Introduce only one food at a time. It will also help you maintain a chart of your baby’s likes and dislikes.

Always introduce new foods either during lunch or after morning feed so that you can check for any allergic reaction. If any food cause discomfort or indigestion, you can consult your doctor, and he will not get disturbed during his night sleep.

It is advisable not to leave the baby alone with the food Rather, you can guide him on how to put it in his mouth.

How you can introduce these foods to babies

Using a high chair for the baby while serving him food is best. It will control the mesh and make it easy for the baby to pick up the food.

Introduce only one food at a time. It will also help you maintain a chart of your baby’s likes and dislikes. They will also develop taste and will be able to identify the difference between foods.

If you are serving any food, make sure it is big enough that fits in your baby’s fist and they can easily hold it. Too small pieces will be difficult to grasp.

Never leave your baby alone while he is having his food. As there will be a risk of choking always. Help them in putting food in their mouth by guiding them.

Avoid giving any processed or sugary food to your baby. Always provide fresh homemade items.

Start with two to three pieces of any food, and gradually you can increase.

It’s not necessary to follow a strict timetable to feed your child, instead, if you check for their hunger cues, it will be easy for you to provide them.

Make yourself ready for the mesh. They will create mesh while they are eating. Don’t be strict with them; allow them to play with their food. In this way, they will enjoy their mealtime.

Few Foods You Can Give As Finger Food To Babies

Egg- You can introduce egg to your baby after completing 6 months. Give hard-boiled egg yolk in first. When you first give an egg, always check for allergic reactions. If there is no sign of a response, you can provide eggs for your baby.

You can try Scrambled Egg Yolk

  • Separate egg yolk from the egg.
  • Take little oil in a pan and add egg yolk.
  • Sprinkle cumin or pepper on it, scramble it and give it to your baby.

Banana- When we introduce solids first fruit we give is a banana. When giving your baby a banana as finger food, cut it into big chunks. As thin slices will be intricate for babies to hold. Try to leave some peal on it for a firm grip

Vegetables-You can also try giving vegetables to your baby. Most of the vegetables require little preparation. You can provide vegetables in steamed/baked or roasted forms.

Few vegetables that you can give.

  • Cucumber- It is one of the best food while teething. Serve chilled and sliced cucumber. It will also give them relief from teething pain.
  • Potato
  • Sweet Potato
  • Carrot
  • Green beans
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Beetroots
  • Eggplants

Fruits- Almost all fruits are suitable as finger foods for babies. And also require very little to no cooking. Before giving fruits, check that they are ripe as unripe fruits can be the reason for choking in babies. Slice the fruits into pieces so that your baby can eat them smoothly.

Fruits you can introduce.

  • Avocado
  • Banana
  • Apple
  • Pear
  • Mango
  • Kiwi
  • Grapes

Apart from these, you can also give tofu and cheese to your baby.

Foods You Should Avoid

  • Whole Nuts
  • Honey before 12 month
  • Cut all the round fruits in half before giving them to your baby(grapes, cheery tomato, berries, etc)
  • No salt and sugar before completing 1 year of age.
  • Any hard food such as raw apples or carrots can be complex and cause choking hazards. Always soften them before serving.
  • Popcorns

When your baby becomes 6 months, always consult with your pediatrician and discuss all the foods you can give to your baby. Prepare a chart of all the items you are planning to introduce. After providing any food, also maintain if any food cause discomfort to your baby, and with which food your baby was very happy. This habit will help you in keeping a food journal for your baby. If for some reason you are out, in your absence, the person taking care of your baby can refer to that journal to give food to your baby.

Happy Parenting!

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